Other challenge, the Hero Arts one, was to make a birthday card or an interactive or using certain colors, this time I tried to combine the three in one card.
01 junio 2012
Reto de Mayo de Hero Arts/ Hero Arts May's Challenge
Otro reto, el de Hero Arts era hacer una tarjeta con tema de cumpleaños o interactiva o usando ciertos colores, en esta ocasión traté de juntar las tres opciones en una sola tarjeta.
Other challenge, the Hero Arts one, was to make a birthday card or an interactive or using certain colors, this time I tried to combine the three in one card.

Other challenge, the Hero Arts one, was to make a birthday card or an interactive or using certain colors, this time I tried to combine the three in one card.
Hero Arts,
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This is so cool, Lucy!
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I love to know your opinion, I apprecciate your time and I read each one,answering them almost all the time. Thanks a lot!