01 agosto 2013

Reto de ABNH: Reciclar ABNH Challenge: Recycle

     Hola! El nuevo reto de este mes en ABNH es usar algo reciclado. Es muy interesante las ideas que surgen y lo creativo que uno se pone cuando tienes pocos materiales a la mano. Recuerden que al participar pueden ganar en la rifa de 25 doláres para gastar en la tienda de Simon Says Stamp!

     Hi! The new challenge at ABNH is to recycle. It is very interesting the ideas that you find and how creative one can get when you have a few materials at hand. Remember that by participating you get to win a 25 dollar credit at the Simon Says Stamp shop!


     Espero verlos por allá. Saludos!

     I hope to see you there. Greetings!


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I love to know your opinion, I apprecciate your time and I read each one,answering them almost all the time. Thanks a lot!

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